Now that Miss Annabelle is crawling she has obviously turned into quite the explorer. She tried for about 10 minutes to get the clothes at the bottom of the hamper but that was as far as she got. She couldn't figure out that she needed to duck to get in.

She eventually got frustrated and moved on to find something else to do.

She loves shoes, especially shoe laces, so she saw mine and took off for them and then discovered the table and chairs.

She was quite pleased with her discovery.

She has done this a few times now, I tried putting a pillow between the couch and chair but she just throws it out of her way and squeezes back there.

She thinks it's very funny. She did get stuck once and panicked a little but it didn't stop her from doing it again.

This was my fault for leaving a new pack of diapers on the floor, but she was having so much fun I just let her go to town.

It was so cute she was so focused in what she was doing. Diapers were flying everywhere!

(Sorry still don't know how to flip them!)

She has been getting in trouble for playing with the dvd player. The first couple times I tell her no she thinks it's funny, but after I move her away four or five times she gets mad, cries and leaves it alone, for a while anyways.

This face is classic! "What Mom, I'm not doing anything!"