Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Monkey Girl

For halloween we dressed Annabelle up as a monkey, she enjoyed her costume much more earlier in the week though. That morning she woke up not feeling so good. I thought she was getting a cold but come to find out apparently she has her Dads allergies because it turned out just to be an allergy attack. You can kind of see how red and swollen her eyes are in this picture. Her eyes and nose were constantly running.
We didn't do much since Belle wasn't feeling good. Her Grammie and Papa came by and we took her up to my parents.
But shortly after we got to my parents she was done being a monkey and ready to be a cranky pants again. She did perk up once her cousin Logan got home to play with her, so I don't think her night was so bad.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Lots of Pictures

I know it's been a while since my last post, it's been a busy month plus I lost my camra. But I found it so now I have lots of pictures to post. I know, more pasta pictures, but she just loves pasta and she makes such a huge mess, I just can't resist!

This meal called for an immediate bath, I tried washing her in the sink but it was no use, she just needed a bubble bath. Of course she didn't mind.

She has become our little naked bandit. She doesn't like to get dressed, she would much rather crawl around naked! She did take off naked, I just didn't include that picture.

At least we got a diaper on! She can't be trusted to run free!
Driving with Daddy. She even turns and poses for the camra.

Whenever I lay down on the floor I seem to get attacked by a little munchkin!
She actually bit my cheek!
She was very pleased with her victory!
But she made nice!

"I'm too cute and I know it!"
She's just hanging out in her carseat waiting for mom and dad to take her shopping (which already is one of her favorite pass times)

She finally crawled into the laundry basket, but once she got in she decided it wasn't all that great and quickly crawled back out.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Yummy Spaghetti!

These pictures were taken at least a month ago, I just haven't had a chance to post them until now. Annabelle is quite the busy little girl, so as you can imagine that means I have been a very busy Mom. This was the first time she had spaghetti, it was all so new and interesting, but very yummy I guess, because she actually ate a good amount.

I love this picture! it is such a cute face! She loves to make silly faces (she gets that from Daddy!) I was actually surprised at how little of a mess she made. Don't get me wrong, she made a mess, but this is nothing compared to how messy she gets now when she eats anything with sauce.