After we got back from vacation my sister Lauren came over with her son Logan. Annabelle just adores Logan, but he's not so sure about her all the time. The two of them are just 9 months apart.
Since it was so hot we let Logan play in the spinkler. He later carried the sprinkler over to the faucett, set it down and then turned the water way up and scared himself. He wanted to get wet, just not that wet. Oops, forgot to flip this one, sorry, just turn your head side ways.
I am a God fearing, praise music loving, bible reading, two gallon a week milk drinking, daily chocolate eater, adoring wife to my wonderful husband John of 4 years, and a breastfeeding, baby waring, human tissue/burp cloth, sleep deprived Mommy to two beautiful girls, Annabelle and Krisalynn.
Third pic from the top...Elijah makes this same face that Logan does! It cracks me up !!! Does Belle have red in her hair!? Awww I miss you guys!
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