Annabelle is getting so big ! I can't believe she is 7 months already. She is learning new things every day. I took these pictures acouple weeks ago, she had just learned how to jump in her exersaucer. She was quite excited when she discovered this.

She is doing very good on her sitting up and is now moving on to bigger things. She is pulling herself up to standing, usually using me but sometimes her toy box and her music table. When she pulls herself up she squeals with delight.

She also can almost sit up from laying on her tummy she has done it once or twice, but she tries all the time , she just gets frustrated if she can't do it right away.

She still has no teeth, and no sign of them poping through anytime soon, but she is working on them. Her fingers are always in her mouth and she chews and bites everything. Her favorite thing to chomp on is mine or John's fingers.
I like the picture of her climbing up on you. I have one of Gemma like that and Logan too.
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