Friday, December 21, 2007

The Climber

I can't believe it has been a month since my last post, where does the time go?! So now I am even more behind in pictures, all these were taken the begining of November. Annabelle has become a climber! She loves climbing on and in anything she can. Here she is climbing in her little toy basket, which she couldn't get out of and Daddy had to come to her rescue. She was quite upset when she realized she couldn't get out.

She also likes to climb up the back of the couch to get the blinds, this she doesn't get to do very often, her being up that high makes me a little nervous.

Daddy forgot to put her stroller away so she decided to climb it, why not?

Here are some pictures of her poseing for the camra. She loves getting her picture taken.


Gabe and Jen said...

She is so cute! We have the same mesh toy bag, and Kailyn still loves to climb in there...she has figured out how to get out though ( most of the time :)