Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Diamond Boogies
Posted by Kristen at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Family Pictures
Our early Christmas present!
Posted by Kristen at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Krisalynn Elizabeth
Posted by Kristen at 2:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Baby Update
I went to the doctor today and she said everything looks good, I am progressing, not as quickly as I'd like, but things are moving. I am scheduled to be induced on the 26th at 1am if I don't go into labor on my own before. At this point I am guessing she won't come on her own, but you never know. So it's looking like our Thanksgiving will be in the hospital. My doctor said she is going to try to get me discharged on the 27th, but it depends what time the baby is born. Also how quickly the baby's doctor can get in to she her.
I asked the doctor how big she thought she would be, in fear of a 9 pounder, and she doesn't think as big as Annabelle, more like 7 1/2 maybe 8lbs. I'm curious, I can't wait.
Also she still doesn't have a definite name, it'll be one of the three, we are just going to wait until she is born.
Posted by Kristen at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Fall Pictures
Posted by Kristen at 1:59 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Baby Formally Known As Mylee
We have decided to change the name of our little one, to what is the big question. Well I guess I should say we are probably changing her name , if we can ever agree on one. I have been contemplating it for a couple months and only brought it up to John about a month ago. And still no luck. He was suppose to agree on a name by my birthday and it's now just about over and still no name. So I decided to ask for some feed back to pass on to him. We did agree on a middle name, actually John picked it out, he wanted it for a first name but it is way to popular for me, so I agreed to it as a middle, it's Elizabeth. The names I like are...
Krisalynn Elizabeth (means follower of Christ)
Kalista Elizabeth (means most beautiful) and considering
Felicity Elizabeth (means happiness, one who is successful)
So if anyone would like to voice their opinion and help us decide, or help me talk John into it, post a comment or send an email. I'd love to hear what you think.
Also keep checking the blog for what we decide and also for pictures. I was going to post some tonight but it was taking to long and I didn't feel like waiting.
Posted by Kristen at 8:28 PM 5 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dress up
She also loves her babies, stroller and baby bottles. She is gonna be such a good big sister!
I got her some play jewelry that she just loves, in fact she played with it so much we are now, like her sunglasses, missing like half of it.
Annabelle enjoying her Popsicle
Posted by Kristen at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Baby Mylee's Ultrasound
Here is Mylee's tongue, we have like five different pictures of her with her tongue out.
First two are Mylee Second two are Annabelle
Posted by Kristen at 2:44 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Little Artist
Posted by Kristen at 3:45 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Baby News!
Posted by Kristen at 1:29 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Busy Little Bee
I'm telling you, she just thinks she is hilarious! And if you start laughing with her it gets her going even more. It's great! I love that about her, we are always laughing.
Her cousins Logan got a little bike for his birthday and she was so into it I looked around and found a good deal on a little bike just right for her. She loves it!
Since it gets so hot here, I got Annabelle a little mat that fills with water and sprinkles out. At first I thought maybe she didn't like it but after a few minutes she figured out a creative way to stay cool.
She also used it as a drinking fountain
She was playing in her room the other day and was unusually quiet. So of course I go to check on her and I found her in her old swing, very relaxed, swaying back and forth. She did always love her swing.
So keep checking the blog this week, I'll hopefully find out what we are having tomorrow at my ultrasound appointment. I'll try to post it tomorrow or the next day.
Posted by Kristen at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Little Miss Naughty
In these pictures she has no shirt on because she colored on it with a pen, and she has crazy hair because she took her pony tail out for like the 10th time that day. So I just let her be since it was almost time for bath. She also thought it would be fun to stand on her push car like she does on Logan's scooter.
So big! (She didn't know that I was holding the car still)
I got Annabelle some bath crayons, she loves them. She gets to color all over the tub, and it wipes off so easy she can even help clean up.
Annabelle helped daddy wash his truck while mommy cooked dinner. Good thing it was a hot day because she was soaked!
Annabelle loves her daddy's sugar cereals. Especially Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries. She is such a big girl she even eats them in milk with a spoon. This is what happened when she tried to pick up her bowl and realized it was stuck (suctioned), so she pulled harder until she got it unstuck. Milk and cereal went all over!
The bowl was a few feet further as well as more milk and cereal. So I don't use that bowl anymore and it hasn't rained Captain Crunch since.
Posted by Kristen at 1:56 PM 0 comments