The other day I was nursing the baby and Annabelle, as usual, had her finger in her nose. A few minutes later she came up to me saying, "Oh no! A boogie!" And of course I had put the tissues up on the table earlier because she was helping herself to them and quickly emptying the box, and I picked up and threw away all the loose tissues. I also shut the bathroom door because she has been getting into trouble in there. So I had no where to send her to get something to wipe it on. So because I didn't want to interrupt Krisalynn's meal I told her to just flick it off. I needed to vacuum anyways. So she did, in fact she thought it was hilarious. So for the rest of the day whenever she put her finger in her nose she said "I flick it off!" And if you ask her she will still say it for you. Isn't that horrible! I taught my daughter to flick her boogies!
And her other boogie story happened while she was talking to her Maga and Papa on the phone. Lately she has been wanting to talk on the phone, and she actually talks some. The other night John had to go up north for work and stay the night so they were talking but the phone cut out. She was very upset and wanted to call him back, so we compromised and called her Maga and Papa instead. So I called and put the speaker phone on, she talked for a little bit and then stopped. My dad asked if she was done, she said "No! Not yet!" I told my Dad she was busy picking her nose. He asked her if she was digging for treasure and she answered "No, diamonds!".
I have no idea where or how she came up with that. The only thing I can think of where she might have come up with diamonds is in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, one of her favorite songs. Who knows, you never know what goes on in the mind of a 2 year old.
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