Christmas Eve was the start of two very busy days for us. We went over to John's parents after Belle's nap and spent the afternoon into the evening over there. Miss Annabelle got spoiled by all her grandparents. Thanks everyone!
Annabelle and her Papa and Grammy
Gemma and Belle posing for pictures in their matching dresses.
Miss Gemma
She was very interested in all the cameras. She kept trying to get them all night.
Opening presents
The favorite of the evening, her very own purse. She loves it! She plays with it all the time. She is such a girly girl.

I'll post pictures from Christmas day soon. Annabelle has been sick and is just starting to feel better so hopefully I'll be able to get the rest up over the next day or so.
I'll post pictures from Christmas day soon. Annabelle has been sick and is just starting to feel better so hopefully I'll be able to get the rest up over the next day or so.
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