Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Last Month

So I'm really bad about updating the blog so there are a lot of random pictures in this post. I am also going to do another post right after this one. These pictures are from the last month. Annabelle helping Daddy do the dishes

Krisalynn absolutely hated her first couple baths. She likes them now, she kicks and splashes, but she still isn't to fond of getting out and dressed.

Annabelle loves her little sissy, in fact sometimes too much. She likes to lay next to her sometimes on her. She does sometimes get a bit to excited and the clenched jaw and squeezing come out, but she is very good and loving to her baby most of the time.

And yet another nose picking picture

My little sunshine, she is so happy most of the time and a very good and easy baby. Her little tongue is out a lot, just like her aunties was when she was a baby.

Krisalynn's boo boo face.
She's got it down just like her big sister

Cute little smile

Sitting like a big girl

One Sunday afternoon I was exhausted so I took the baby in my room to take a nap and when we woke up this is what I found. Too cute!

Ice Cream Face!
Annabelle loves her sweets

This is a picture of Krisalynn at 5 weeks inching forward. She actually moved herself forward!
I wonder if she is going to be an early crawler

The naked bandit!
Daddy let her run nakey for a few minutes after bath

This is another picture of Krisalynn moving forward

The face of a bare tushy moving on (or sticking to) a plastic chair.