Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wild Animal Park

We took Annabelle to the animal park for the first time this past Saturday, we went with my parents, my sis Lauren, her hubby Brandon and their son Logan. We all caravaned down there and while still in town, we were in the back and my parents in the front and sis in the middle, we came to a stop sign and my parents turned, well Annabelle saw my mom's car and yelled "Maga Maga! (that's what she calls my mom) That's Maga's car! Faster Daddy! Go faster!" And for the rest of the drive she let us know every time she saw her Maga's car.
Annabelle driving the boats, well pretending too.

My mom stomping her foot at a goose about ready to attack Logan

Logan pretending to drive the boats

Annabelle with piggy ears

Annabelle's uncle Brandon and Daddy with piggy ears

Watching a little bunny

Wise little bunny hiding from two 2 year olds

The very stinky flamingos

Annabelle getting food from her Poppy to give to the ducks and fish

Logan talking about the fish and ducks

Annabelle feeding the ducks (I think this was Annabelle's and Logan's favorite part of the day)

Admiring the ducks

On the African Safari


Jen said...

Gemma liked the ducks best whenshe was two also. Isn't it funny how kids like the simplest things you could see at the park best?