Sunday, July 15, 2007

First Swim

On the 4th of July John and I took Annabelle to my parents house to go in the spa. We figured she would like it since she loves her baths and the spa is just like a big bath tub. She loved it! She had a blast splashing and screaming with excitement. My dad cooled the spa down so it was nice to have a way to cool off in the 100 degree weather.


The Bagley Bunch said...

Hey Guys! Great to see you now have a blog as well! YAY! Annabelle is such a cutie-I LOVE her eyes! Thanks for sharing these :). All our love in Christ!
Adoring Jesus--DVS

Gabe and Jen said...

Kristen! She is so cute! And getting so big! We miss you guys!
God Bless