Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Swim Lessons

This summer we paid for private swim lessons for Annabelle at her friend Carter's house. She was able to get one on one lessons and she learned a lot. We are so proud of her! Getting the rings with her swim teacher. The first couple lessons she cried the whole time and wouldn't let go of her teacher.

Blowing bubbles

Floating on her back. Her teacher said she floated by herself for a few seconds a couple times but she quickly realized it and tried to sit up.

Talking to her teacher, she loves to talk!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just Belle

Annabelle has been coloring a lot lately and has been getting pretty good. She worked on this for a good 20 minutes. She also likes to draw, she has been drawing happy faces and she also drew a picture and when she was done she told me it was a big boat and Jonah in the water and a big fish that was going to eat Jonah. And the picture actually did look like a boat and a small thing in water and then a big circle looking thing in the water. She also drew a tea pot the other day and told me she made me tea. That drawing I don't think was intentional but she new what it looked like after she finished.

Annabelle saw the camera on the table one afternoon while she was eating lunch and she told me "look mom, I'm cute! Do you want to take my picture?" How could I say no?!

Waring my shoes in a t-shirt and panties, quite the fashion statement!

While I was on "restriction" from the doctor at the beginning of my pregnancy my family was so wonderful to come and help me with the girls and keep my house clean (Thanks so much guys!). This was one day when my Grandma came over and she took Miss Belle outside to play with chalk. She was covered from head to toe in chalk! But she had fun!

They were taking turns "painting" each others nails.

Her legs covered in pink chalk

Isn't that just the sweetest, most colorfully chalking face!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Annabelle absolutely loves stickers and has had an obsession with them for at least a year now. One of the mornings in Kentucky she had her coloring book out and discovered there where stickers in it and well, went a little sticker crazy.

These pictures are at Josh and Char's house in KY. She was using a sponge and the water from the pool to put on make up, another obsession of hers.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oh So Loud

Miss Annabelle LOVES to sing! She sings all the time and often asks me to join in with her. It's not easy to get her to sing on camera, apparently she is a little camera shy, go figure. However, on this particular day her stage fright was on vacation.

Also, Annabelle's vocabulary is expanding and with that comes some pretty interesting and very funny things out of her mouth.

A couple weeks ago she told John and I that the baby in her tummy came out and we could pick him up from the hospital later that day.

And over the weekend I had my little tool box out to hang some pictures and Annabelle picked it up and said "here Daddy, you need to do this cause you're a man".

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Miss Annabelle is our little superstar! She loves to sing and be the center of attention. Anything somewhat resembling a microphone becomes one, the faucet in the bath tub, flashlights, water bottles and in this picture the garden hose. She was of course singing "Let It Rise" still her favorite song.

Lovin on her lil sissy

In her wardrobe of choice

Daddy's Girl

and Mommy's sweetheart

My baby super model! Well at least we think so. She's so stinkin cute I can't stand it!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Beautiful Belle

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wild Animal Park

We took Annabelle to the animal park for the first time this past Saturday, we went with my parents, my sis Lauren, her hubby Brandon and their son Logan. We all caravaned down there and while still in town, we were in the back and my parents in the front and sis in the middle, we came to a stop sign and my parents turned, well Annabelle saw my mom's car and yelled "Maga Maga! (that's what she calls my mom) That's Maga's car! Faster Daddy! Go faster!" And for the rest of the drive she let us know every time she saw her Maga's car.
Annabelle driving the boats, well pretending too.

My mom stomping her foot at a goose about ready to attack Logan

Logan pretending to drive the boats

Annabelle with piggy ears

Annabelle's uncle Brandon and Daddy with piggy ears

Watching a little bunny

Wise little bunny hiding from two 2 year olds

The very stinky flamingos

Annabelle getting food from her Poppy to give to the ducks and fish

Logan talking about the fish and ducks

Annabelle feeding the ducks (I think this was Annabelle's and Logan's favorite part of the day)

Admiring the ducks

On the African Safari

Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh The Silly Things She Says

I was going to get rid of this blog since I started a family blog http://www.lifewiththehiggins.blogspot.com/ but I decided to keep it to record all the silly things Annabelle does and says (some stuff will probably make it to the other blog as well).

So Annabelle has been very in to playing doctor/hospital (hopital as she calls it) the last 4 or 5 months and we have all, even the baby, found ourselves under the care of Dr. Annabelle lately. Well earlier today she came up to me with the babies link rings on her arm and said "look mommy these are my bracelets cause I go to hopital cause I have baby in my tummy".

I think she was slightly traumatized by my 5 day stay in the hospital when Krisalynn was born. It's been almost 4 months and she still talks about it at least once a week.

Also the other day she put two pieces of light weight cardboard strips that her hair bands came on in each nose hole and went "aachoo! I sneeze mommy!" I have a picture of it, look for it on the other blog early next week.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Girls

I was playing around with my camera the other day and took a bunch of pictures, this one is my favorite. Annabelle is such a good big sissy, she is very helpful and always wants to hold Krisalynn and give her kisses.Krisalynn is growing so fast, she is smiling all the time, though I have yet to get a picture of it, and is really close to laughing. She loves her big sissy very much, she is always watching her and smiling at her.

Annabelle too is growing up fast. Her vocabulary and understanding continue to amaze me daily. She is so creative and she keeps John and I on our toes.

I love this face, it's typical Annabelle, our lil firecracker.

Annabelle loves to hold her sissy. Recently she has been trying to pick her up so now we have to watch her carefully and try to convince her it's not a good idea.

Annabelle loves to play make up and uses anything to do so. The top one is her washable dry erase markers and the bottom one is chocolate.

The chocolate unibrow