Monday, July 21, 2008

My Little Artist

Annabelle loves to color! She is always asking to color with her crayons and coloring book, and she decorates our bathtub daily with her bath crayons. So I decided to get her some paints. I got water colors (which is what she is using here) and finger paints. She really enjoyed the water colors, so much she decided to taste them. She was a bit obsessive about her rinse water, I had to change it at least 5 times, as well as getting the paint on her hands. I went through 3 paper towels wiping her hands off before she was finished, although she didn't seem to mind it being on her face or in her ear. We might have to wait a little longer before trying the finger paints.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby News!

I had my ultrasound today and the tech said she is pretty sure it's a girl. This little one is very active, I think maybe more than Annabelle was at this time! She put on a show for us today, she was constantly moving, she did some flips, twists, she stuck her tounge out a couple time and was even drinking the amniotic fluid. It was amazing to feel her moving and be able to see her. I am totally blown away, God is so amazing!
And more wonderful news, John took his contractors lisence test today and passed! I am so proud of him and his dedication! As my dad would say "today is a red letter day!"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Busy Little Bee

Once again it's been a while since my last post. She is a very busy little bee! The little free time I get these days usually goes to things other than computer time.

We are all doing pretty good, we are trying to battle off a nasty cold/flu bug that has been going around.

Annabelle has been busy playing, growing and learning new things. She is quite the comedian, she loves to laugh and make others laugh.

John has been super busy with work and trying to study for his contractors license.

And I have been keeping busy watching Annabelle and growing her sibling (which we hopefully will find out what we are having tomorrow). Here are some pictures of Miss Belle waring her Daddy's hat.
I'm telling you, she just thinks she is hilarious! And if you start laughing with her it gets her going even more. It's great! I love that about her, we are always laughing.
Her cousins Logan got a little bike for his birthday and she was so into it I looked around and found a good deal on a little bike just right for her. She loves it!

Since it gets so hot here, I got Annabelle a little mat that fills with water and sprinkles out. At first I thought maybe she didn't like it but after a few minutes she figured out a creative way to stay cool.
She also used it as a drinking fountain

She was playing in her room the other day and was unusually quiet. So of course I go to check on her and I found her in her old swing, very relaxed, swaying back and forth. She did always love her swing.

So keep checking the blog this week, I'll hopefully find out what we are having tomorrow at my ultrasound appointment. I'll try to post it tomorrow or the next day.