Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby News!

I had my ultrasound today and the tech said she is pretty sure it's a girl. This little one is very active, I think maybe more than Annabelle was at this time! She put on a show for us today, she was constantly moving, she did some flips, twists, she stuck her tounge out a couple time and was even drinking the amniotic fluid. It was amazing to feel her moving and be able to see her. I am totally blown away, God is so amazing!
And more wonderful news, John took his contractors lisence test today and passed! I am so proud of him and his dedication! As my dad would say "today is a red letter day!"


Gabe and Jen said...

Yay!! Congratulations! ( on your little girl and John's license!) Hope you guys are well, we miss you LOTS!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Congratulations! Sounds like you had a great day!! We are happy the baby looks healthy!! The Isaac Family

Grandma Fran said...

Oh Kristen... I am so happy to hear that John passed.. My mind has just not been alert, lately, and we wondered if John had passed after you left on Thursday and we realized we had forgotten to ask!! Congratulations Love you all!!